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  • Manitowoc celebra nueva oficina en Perú con gran evento de inauguración

    我们的客户通过amigos de Manitowoc en Perú庆祝新办公室的建立compañía en el país.

  • La primera grúa GMK6450-1 personalizada de Grove en el Caribe se preparalpara ababajar en Barbados

    La empresa de alquiler Crane & Equipment, con sede en Bridgetown, Barbados, recibió la primera grúa Grove GMK6450-1 todo terreno hecha a media in el caribbean.

  • Grove GMK3060L-1 office excelcia a travacides de trabajos mineros desafiantes in Perú

    Desde su llegada a Perú, una nueva grúa todo terreno Grove GMK3060L-1已实现了通过brindindo实现的trababjos功能,并将其出色地提供给了una nueva,并将其确定为país durante más de un año. Debido a su largo alcance, alta capacidad y tamaño compacto, la grúa realiza levantamientos difíciles en espacios reducidos de la mina, los cuales antes debían subcontratarse.

  • Perfect pair: Grove cranes used in tandem on two complex projects in Spain

    •西班牙租赁公司Tinlohi将格罗夫起重机串联部署在一个风力发电场,然后又部署在一个工业工厂. Both projects were completed without a hitch. 
    • To dismantle the wind turbine, 起重机在不到一天的时间内完成了这项工作,包括所有的安装和拆除. 
    • At the industrial plant, 起重机提供可靠的控制,将易碎部件移动到工作设施内的集散区.

  • Potain在新的Evy自安装系列中推出了第一台起重机:Evy 30- 234t,简单连接

    •Potain Evy 30-23 4吨起重机是新Evy系列自立塔式起重机的第一款机型. 
    • Potain CONNECT telematics, CCS crane control system, Smart Set-up, Power Control, and Drive Control are standard on the new crane.


Últimas noticias

World’s first Potain MR 229 luffing jib tower crane erected in London, UK

•Radius集团为伦敦格林威治半岛的一个住宅项目部署了世界上第一台Potain MR 229变幅悬臂塔式起重机, UK.
• Ideal for confined high-rise jobsites, the MR 229 boasts a 14 t maximum capacity, 30 to 55 m jib lengths, a choice of two high-performance winches, and a reduced out-of-service radius.
•MR 229也是首款采用Manitowoc CCS操作系统和Potain CONNECT远程信息处理技术的Potain变幅臂起重机,引领了新一代Potain变幅臂起重机的发展.

Saving time and space with the new Potain MCR 305

• It also has a smaller out-of-service radius, optimizing space on jobsites for better productivity and profitability.
•有两种版本可供选择:一种最大容量为20吨,一种为3吨.1 t tip load with a 60 m jib. 另一个最大容量为25吨,顶载为3吨,同样为60米悬臂.

Dutch prefab specialist buys first Grove crane and immediately sets it to work

• VDL De Meeuw, a prefab specialist construction company in the Netherlands, received its first Grove crane in March 2023.
• The company is using it to construct seven residential buildings in NDW21, a growing neighborhood in the city of Nijmegen.
• The crane’s fast performance, taxi capabilities, and excellent load charts make it the perfect choice for the job.

exon 2023 Potain MCH 175反映了印度对高科技起重机日益增长的需求

•Manitowoc在Excon 2023上令人印象深刻的展示,突显了印度对先进起重技术的日益增长的渴望,以提高现场生产率.
•随着印度各地对可靠起重机和快速施工时间表的需求加快,Potain MCH 175吸引了客户的高度兴趣.
• The company secured orders for 15 Potain tower cranes at the show, with many other promising leads for future sales.

Manitowoc celebra nueva oficina en Perú con gran evento de inauguración

我们的客户通过amigos de Manitowoc en Perú庆祝新办公室的建立compañía en el país.



Potain MD 305b领导摩尔多瓦大型新公寓开发的施工工作

• The Potain crane boosted project efficiency with its impressive 70 m jib, eliminating the need for multiple cranes.
•购买一台二手Potain起重机,使Filli Partner能够以较低的入门成本享受该品牌的生产力和质量优势.

Potain luffing jib cranes debut at EXCON 2023!

在今年的印度最大的建筑设备展览会EXCON 2023上,不要错过捕捉创新Potain MCH 175的机会.

Long-time dealer Paterson Simons celebrates first Grove GRT9165 sale in Africa

• Mining company Newmont purchased the landmark crane, which is also the largest rough-terrain crane from Grove.
• In addition, Paterson Simons received two awards from Manitowoc, one for the first GRT9165 sale in Africa, and the other for its long-standing partnership with the company.

La primera grúa GMK6450-1 personalizada de Grove en el Caribe se preparalpara ababajar en Barbados

La empresa de alquiler Crane & Equipment, con sede en Bridgetown, Barbados, recibió la primera grúa Grove GMK6450-1 todo terreno hecha a media in el caribbean.

韩国的Bong-Hwang增加了Grove GMK5250XL-1,并开始着手工厂建设

• The crane’s combination of long boom, compact dimensions, and superb maneuverability ideally suits the narrow, cramped roads of the local industrial estates.

MSG celebrates 40 Grove deliveries over the past two decades

MSG Krandienst is a long-time, 他是马尼托瓦克的忠实客户,在过去的20年里,他的机队增加了40台格罗夫起重机.
最新的一辆是GMK6300L-1,在威廉港马尼托瓦克工厂举行的特别仪式上交付, Germany.

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